Saturday, April 21, 2012

So here I go again, but this time, I hope to actually follow my good intentions. This is hopefully a place that I can keep family and friends up to date as we prepare to send Jaeden on his mission, send him and as he serves.

We are thrilled that Jaeden made this decision, 100% on his own. To be honest, I wasn't really sure I wanted him to go. I was very concerned with him going foreign. After the things Cameron went through I was feeling very apprehensive. But I was prepared to support whatever decision he made and yes a bigger part of my heart wanted him to go.

I have decided a few things this time around.

1) The second time around is far more scary than the first time. I contribute this to the second time I around I know better. I know what a sacrifice this is for these wonderful boys that decide to serve our Heavenly Father.I know how long two years feels during that time, but how quickly it seems to have gone when it finally ends. I know the pain that sits in my heart the entire time they are gone, the emptiness of not having them there during holidays, family occasions and those talks late at night.

2)  I have decided that it is the not knowing that is most difficult. The not knowing where he was going was very hard. I know the Lord protects our missionaries but I worried if he would go somewhere safe. (after the things Cameron experienced I was very worried) Now that we have his call in hand, I find myself a bit emotional, but more at peace. Which brings me to #3.

3) I find myself at peace. There honestly is a peace with a missionary. I didn't realize this until AFTER Cameron got home. There were multiple times that I wanted to send Cameron back on his mission because even though I worried, it was a different worry than when they are not serving. Call it a good worry if you want. 

And lastly.... 4) We are EXCITED at what he is going to experience, the growth he will have and we get the privilege of watching and even the preparations to get him there. I can't wait to attend the temple with him for the first time. I will apprehensively look forward to the day we take him to the MTC and anxiously camp by my mailbox for those first letters home. (My husband will have to take over the cooking and bring me meals)

These first few months of blogging will probably not be often as we will just be preparing but as different things happen along the way I will definitely share.

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